by Bernard Coard (Author), Jeremy Corbyn (Foreword), Hubert Devonish (Contributor), Paul Mackney (Introduction)
"Back in 1971 when this booklet was first published, the principal Weapons of Mass Suppression, or WMS, of Black Caribbean children’s educational and life prospects were the ESN school, ESN streams and ‘Remedial’ classes in regular schools. New versions of WMS appeared over the ensuing decades, as the original model, and each replacement, met with Black Caribbean resistance and even open protest. In each case, the objective of these ‘new’ iterations was not to concentrate more resources and more experienced and skilled teachers to meet the needs of the children designated as ‘in Special Educational Need (SEN)’, but rather to assign less of these resources, and less experienced teachers to their care. It was a dustbin solution, not a lifting-the-child-up operation. It was a life sentence, not a life-line to greater opportunities. The last 50 years has taught us not to rely on pleas to or the goodwill of those running the system to effect the changes our children need. Just as we did a half-century ago and since, we have to accept that future progress for our children on all fronts depends on our actions, our initiatives..." — Bernard Coard (Extract from the Preface)